
Blog On Document Management For Litigators

Fresh Insights On Ways To Enhance Team Efficiency
And Improve Your Advocacy.

3 Ways Litigators Can Get Up To Speed Quickly On A Case

As a busy litigator, you are responsible for dozens, if not hundreds of a cases at various stages of their life-cycle at a given moment. Naturally, it is …
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Going Paperless With Primafact: The Easy Way

Starting on the right foot with Primafact can go a long way toward establishing a sustainable paperless system that maximizes your team’s efficiency and …

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Learn Why Litigation Teams Are Turning To Primafact For Easy Document Intake

In recent years, digital documents have played an increasingly important role in making evidence accessible to litigation teams, with ScannersandOCR …

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OTLA Webinar: Getting Your Practice Ready for 2020 - Updating the Paperless Office

Have you been wanting to learn about the benefits of going paperless in your law practice, and the practical steps to achieve it? Well, you're in luck! The …

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There's A Better Way Litigators Can Analyze Their Cases. Learn How.

Litigation teams can be responsible for hundreds of cases at any given time. Naturally, it is hard to remember everything that has happened on a file– several …

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Instantly Pinpoint Key Documents And Facts in Litigation Using Primafact

Thousands of evidentiary documents continuously flow into the practice, and litigation teams are responsible for storing these documents for ad-hoc retrieval. …

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Primafact Helps Litigation Teams Collaborate More Effectively. Learn How.

Every year, litigation teams are responsible for managing tens of thousands of case-related documents. These documents require processing, and teams need to …
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Primafact Tasks Help Litigators Stay On Top Of Their Cases

Hundreds of pages of evidentiary documents arrive each week across the case load of a typical litigation practice. These documents must be captured, briefed …
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The Litigator's Guide To More Efficiently Assembling Productions Using Primafact

One of the most time-consuming and paper-intensive tasks a litigation team routinely faces is the assembly of case documentation to disclose to opposing …

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Why We Love Filevine’s Integration with Primafact (And You Should, Too!)

Litigation firms can improve their productivity and get the most out of their cases by using Primafact’s powerful litigation document management software in …

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