Setting You Up For Success

A well-designed paperless system can add tremendous value to your practice if you do it right.

Our Jump Start implementation program for Primafact is based on best practices established over hundreds of projects across litigation firms of all types. Our team of consultants and support staff have the tools, resources, and training to get your team setup for success, without disrupting your practice.

Learn about the key components to our Jump Start program:

 Primafact jump start consultant An experienced consultant working collaboratively with your team to define a process tailored to your firm's needs.
Templates and workflows A series of pre-defined workflows and best practices covering the entire case life-cycle from document intake, file review, through to trial preparation.
training and support Training and support tailored for your whole team: trial lawyers, paralegals, law clerks and support staff.
binders Trial binder templates with markup and coding options that make document organization simple and consistent.






"The nice thing about Primafact is that [lawyers and staff] can figure the program out quickly. It is not a steep learning curve and it didn't turn out to be an imposition on our time."
- Barbara Legate, Legate & Associates