
Blog On Document Management For Litigators

Fresh Insights On Ways To Enhance Team Efficiency
And Improve Your Advocacy.

Take Charge of Your Undertakings with Primafact 6

Keeping track of satisfied undertakings can be one of the most time-consuming administrative activities in a litigation practice. Primafact 6’s Team Flags can …

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Simplify Document Exports with Primafact 6 Portal Uploads

Uploading documents to online portals and document-sharing platforms offers speed and reliability, but the process can be surprisingly cumbersome. Primafact …

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Identify Case Trends with Primafact 6 Chronologies and Reports

In document-heavy litigation files, relevant details are typically spread across many pages of documentary evidence. Identifying key details is a core aspect …

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Keep Teams Focused with Primafact 6 Document Discussions

Questions, instructions and insights tend to pop up at every stage of document review from initial vetting to later analysis, when you are paying close …

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Make Intake Review More Efficient with Primafact 6 Inboxes

Electronic document exchange has transformed intake review processes for many litigation teams – especially in Personal Injury and Insurance Defence practices, …

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Binders Made Better in Primafact 6

Primafact 6 brings powerful new features to Primafact’s Binders, for exceptionally effective documentary review. A new visual experience and expanded tools …

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E-Briefs Made Easier with Primafact 6

Stringent legal document submission requirements haven’t eased in the electronic age – assembling and exporting court-compliant e-briefs is now even more …

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Power Up Your Litigation Case Prep - Introducing Primafact 6

Primafact 6 takes case development to the next level with powerful review and reporting tools that get you up to speed on case content faster than ever. Boost …

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Build Cases Faster with the New Primafact Import

Importing documents from your file system to Primafact just got a lot easier with Primafact Import. This add-on makes it efficient to build organized Primafact …

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5 Ways Primafact Saves Time for Litigation Teams

Litigation teams face constant pressure from unstoppable flows of documentation. To thrive, the right document management system is essential. Effective …

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