If your team has upgraded to Primafact 6, taking the time to update your Case Templates is a smart move. While you can continue using your existing templates, adapting to the new format in Primafact 6 can significantly streamline your workflow and boost efficiency.
Why are Primafact 6 Case Templates Helpful?
How are Primafact 6 Case Templates different from earlier versions?
Why not just use Global coding and views?
How to Update your Case TEmplates
Watch the Video: Using Case Templates (Linked tUTORIAL page)
WHY are Primafact 6 Case Templates Helpful?
Updating your Case Templates to Primafact 6’s format can boost efficiency on many levels. Case creation is more streamlined, and using Case Templates makes setting coding and views for existing cases a lot quicker, where practice groups use standards that may diverge from global settings. Your team will benefit from:
Easier case creation: Creating new cases is quicker and more intuitive.
Simplified case updates: Updating an existing case is easier than building each from scratch, saving valuable time when updating team standards
Customization options: Templates can now be configured with coding, views and administrative permissions, making it easier to consistently manage different case types.
How are Primafact 6 Case Templates different from earlier versions?
If you're familiar with earlier versions of Primafact, you’ll notice some important changes in the template structure. These updates are designed to enhance both ease of use and to help teams take advantage of the improved document coding and review options available in Primafact 6.
Dedicated Case Templates folder. This allows Template settings to be identified and applied to other Primafact cases. If your current case templates are already set up in the Case format (identified by the black binder), you can simply move your templates over to the new location to have your templates recognized as “Case Templates” in Primafact 6.
Shareable coding and view settings. As Cases themselves are now more customizable with newly-available coding labels and saved views, the Templates can be configured to include coding and views and that can be copied to new and existing Cases, so you can open and update cases more efficiently. This should make it easier for teams to take advantage of improved coding and review options, especially where different teams or practice areas may have their own unique coding and review requirements.
Case Permissions. Primafact 6 uses Case Permissions to identify users who are allowed to perform certain case administration functions. Copying permissions from a Case Template into new cases automatically sets up appropriate user permissions in a single step.
Why not just use Global labels and views?
Global labels and views are great for ensuring consistency across the team, but they don’t always address the unique needs of different practice areas. With Primafact 6, Case Templates provide an easy way to meet the varied requirements of teams or case types that diverge from the firm’s standard global settings. Simply set up a template with coding and saved views that meet the needs of that group.
You can also use Case Templates to “lock down” coding labels available at the time of Case Setup, if you prefer not to have your Case automatically update whenever global settings are changed. (Automatic updates can be helpful when a firm is slowly expanding label availability, but can create inconsistencies if the firm wishes to make changes to existing default color labels.)
By customizing case templates, you enable user groups to benefit from coding standards that meet their needs, while preserving global standards that meet the firms more general requirements.
How to update your Case Templates
Updating your Case Templates to take advantage of Primafact 6 capabilities is straightforward. Start by moving your existing case templates to the new "Case Templates" folder within Primafact 6. To work properly, your templates will need to be in the current “Case” format – this is easy to check by confirming that they are housed in a Black Folder. Each Primafact Case folder should contain at least one binder, which enables users to access the Summary Screen and views used to create chronologies and reports.
Once you’ve moved your templates to the Case Templates folder, you can begin customizing them as needed. Case-level permissions can be added via the Summary Screen, and you can also apply any custom labels or views. While these customizations are optional, they can significantly enhance the functionality of your templates, especially if your team or practice area has specific requirements.
Investing time in updating your Case Templates for Primafact 6 makes it easier to set up cases, and make better use of Primafact’s powerful coding tools for issue identification and review. By taking full advantage of the features available in Primafact 6, you can streamline your case management processes and improve overall productivity. So, if you haven't already made the switch, now is the time to get organized and start maximizing your case management efficiency.
Interested in using Primafact 6 to its fullest potential? Contact us to get started!