While memos and summaries are hard to beat for efficient case review, sometimes you need a fuller understanding of the underlying documents. Locating that …
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Connecting the Dots: Access Source Content Quicker with Primafact LinksBy The Team at Primafact
Could Your Primafact Templates Use a Refresh?By The Team at Primafact
Your Primafact Binder Templates form the foundation of your case files. On top of making it easy to open a perfectly organized new file, Templates ensure that … Take Case Reviews to the Next Level with Primafact’s Bundled IssuesBy The Team at Primafact
Keeping track of noteworthy excerpts of Case documentation is easier than ever, now that you can group Annotations by Issue. After applying Issue Coding, … Work Smarter When Preparing Your Witness For Litigation AppearancesBy Niral Vora
Preparing your witness for appearances is a critical step to producing the best possible outcome. Opposing counsel’s assessment of how your witness …
Efficiently Perform Document Review Using PrimafactBy Niral Vora
In civil litigation claims, maintaining a strong narrative is an ongoing challenge. Building a winning case requires you to proactively address new evidence …
3 Ways Litigators Can Get Up To Speed Quickly On A CaseBy Niral Vora
As a busy litigator, you are responsible for dozens, if not hundreds of a cases at various stages of their life-cycle at a given moment. Naturally, it is …
There's A Better Way Litigators Can Analyze Their Cases. Learn How.By Niral Vora
Litigation teams can be responsible for hundreds of cases at any given time. Naturally, it is hard to remember everything that has happened on a file– several … 3 Hacks That Help Litigators Improve Their On-The-Go ProductivityBy Niral Vora
As a litigation lawyer, you know your job isn’t always as glamorous as portrayed in Hollywood. Your time isn’t always spent trying high profile cases– instead … Keep Discovery Prep Consistent With Controlled VocabulariesBy Janice Zima
Marking up documents with Annotations is a great way to share file intelligence among your team when preparing for Discovery. Annotations let you record … |