While memos and summaries are hard to beat for efficient case review, sometimes you need a fuller understanding of the underlying documents. Locating that …
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Connecting the Dots: Access Source Content Quicker with Primafact LinksBy The Team at Primafact
Inter Alias: Make Primafact Title Aliases your BFF For Purposeful Review and ExportBy The Team at Primafact
Assigning structured, informative titles to case documents makes those materials easier to identify when browsing binders and lists. But even a well-chosen … Under Wraps: Hide Annotations when Screen-Sharing at DiscoveryBy The Team at Primafact
Screen-sharing Primafact documents during discovery can be a convenient way to direct the room's attention to a common production. But what if your document … 5 Ways Primafact Saves Time for Litigation TeamsBy The Team at Primafact
Litigation teams face constant pressure from unstoppable flows of documentation. To thrive, the right document management system is essential. Effective … 5 Things To Consider When Implementing Primafact In a Private CloudBy Niral Vora
Many firms are considering cloud IT to achieve benefits such as eliminating on-site management of servers. While this can be an excellent solution for a …