Assigning structured, informative titles to case documents makes those materials easier to identify when browsing binders and lists. But even a well-chosen document title is seldom perfect for all activities.
Primafact 6’s Title Alias feature makes it possible to assign multiple titles to individual documents, allowing users to review and share common document sets with multiple title formats – without the need for document duplication or extra binders.
Each Primafact document can carry up to five Title Aliases. Along with the Main Document Title, you can give each document up to four additional titles, allowing documents to be viewed and shared with titles better suited to varying circumstances. Each distinct title is called an "alias."
For on-demand efficiency, aliases can be set up to auto-generate based on the content of selected Primafact profile fields such as document date, subject, sender and recipient. For added flexibility, you can rename any document in a title series manually, using the Override option.
You can apply any active Title Series when viewing Primafact binders, and you can also apply your selected title series to exported PDF documents including exported Bundle Binders and Portal Uploads.
Switching to a Different Title Series
We recommend applying the Bundle Binder setting to your Case Binder for immediate access to the Title Alias dropdown.
If your binder is not set to the Bindle Binder setting pictured above, you can access the document Title Aliases by clicking the Gear icon at the bottom-right corner of your binder view and selecting Binder Titles. Choose your title series from the Binder Options dropdown menu.
Using Title Aliases for Case Center Uploads
Title Aliases are particularly helpful for ensuring document titles conform to court-mandated document naming protocols. Having multiple titles means you can manage documents internally using your team's preferred titles and also meet Court naming requirements, such as the Case Center (formerly CaseLines) naming convention. You can configure Titles to automatically populate with Primafact Case Summary and Profile field content for quick renaming of all documents in your binder. Ad hoc alias titles can also be applied manually to individual documents.
USING title aliases for more EFFECTIVE reviews
While Primafact binders are a team resource, individual users need to review these binders for changing tasks and purposes, including identifying service status, instructions, satisfied undertakings and other routine activities. Title aliases can better align title displays with user activities – especially when aliases are viewed alongside Primafact 6 Team Flags and other document tags.
Special Purpose Title Aliases
Your team’s preferred document naming convention might work well for productions, but not optimally identify the key attributes of materials like case correspondence, such as date sent or received, or remarks on service. Creating a Title Alias that places the date first, then sender information and team notes can make correspondence review more effective:
e.g. Standard naming:
Email from Sam Smart to Taylor Shore dated September 6, 2024 re: Discovery Scheduling
Letter from Dr. Heath to Sam Smart with updated CNRS dated September 7, 2024
6 SEP 2024 – SS to TS re Discovery Scheduling
7 SEP 2024 – Dr. Heath Updated CNRS – HOLD PENDING REVIEW
Primafact Title Aliases promote more efficient document sharing and more effective internal reviews, allowing teams to tailor the titles to a range of practice requirements without having to manage duplicate sets of the same documents. Less hassle, with better sharing and review options mean more flexibility and efficiency for your team.
Can Primafact Title Aliases help your team? Contact us for guidance on setting up Title Aliases that work for you.